Essential Oils A-F

Essential Oils A - F   

Celestial Essential Oils New Zealand

Plants are an intregal part of our planet, they create the air we breathe, they provide all living beings with food and without them our planet would be a barren wasteland, even fish could not survive without plankton. From a biochemistry standpoint Essential Oils contain many different natural chemical properties from the DNA of plants, which have historically been used by mankind since the beginning of time for healing and improving health. It stands to reason that the Essential Oils extracted from these plants have very powerful health benefits because of these valuable therapeutic properties

Note: The information on this website is not meant to replace the diagnosis and treatment of a qualified medical practitioner.
All Essential Oils and products are to be used at the user’s discretion and no expressed or guarantee can be given
as to the effects of their use, nor liability taken
 All prices quoted on this site are NZ$ 

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